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channeling and healing in community
25th September - 16th October


Healing and Growing in Community 

This container will create a safe space to tap into our underworld, our shadows and demons. We will look at emotions such as shame, rage and jealousy and explore how we can feel and express them without harming ourselves and others. Our divine feminine ancestors Kali, Sekhmet, Lilith and Persephone will guide us on this journey of learning to transform our demons into our most potent medicine, healing and love. 


Channeling and Healing In The Akashic Records

In this container, we are healing the fears and destructive powers connected to our own shadows through introspective, journeying, and bodywork. All guided ceremonies, channellings, and healing experiences in this container will be facilitated through the Akashic Records. Working through the Akashic Records means we are healing lifetimes, and regaining powers through time and space. You will receive collective and personal guidance from the Akashic Records and from the goddesses we work with. 

Healing Through Somatic Bodywork

Trauma and emotions are stored in our tissue and when we heal we need to address the mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical plane. Under the emotions we will work with is often fear and feeling unsafe and in this course we will engage in many different physical exercises such as Daoist breathing techniques, acupressure, and gentle yoga to learn to self-sooth and create safety within ourselves. A lot of my work will be focused on making everyone feel safe so that we can dive deep into our shadows and face them without going into fight-fly freeze or nervous system overload. 

Individual Support

Throughout this course, I will support each participant individually with their specific journey, healing, and aspirations. You will receive personal channeled messages as well as individual coaching.


The Goddesses we will work with




25 Sept |2  Oct | 9 Oct | 16 Oct 

Class recordings will be provided


9pm CET (Amsterdam) - 2pm CDT


  • 4 live classes of 90 min; all classes will be recorded 

  • group chat to ask questions and engage outside of class 

  • 1on1 coaching and support with me throughout the course

  • online learning platform & workbook with healing techniques


No channeling or Akashic Record experience needed. If you want to learn to read the Akashic Record you can buy my Learn to Read the Akashic Records course discounted as an add-on. 


​€399 Paying in instalments is available, please email me for options.


"Sabine is a talented healer and teacher, and a ray of very special celestial sunshine. You can't help but be changed for the better after spending time with her; she shares her unique wisdom and knowledge clearly, relatably and generously."



"I thoroughly enjoyed the course. Each class was so informative, healing and beautiful - I felt so held throughout the course,  and a safe container to open up. Sabine's knowledge and wisdom is so profound, and she explains things so well, that makes it easy to follow."


"Sabine is just amazing, nurturing like a mother. I loved all the aspects within this course, it was a mixture of dancing, exercise and healing. What o took from the course was all the wisdom and knowledge from Sabine. Living from a place of joy and to not forget the child within us. I loved everything about this container."

  • Are the Akashic Records associated with any believe system or religion?
    The Akashic Records are a universal tool that is not limited to a certain culture or religion. Anyone, regardless of their beliefs or lifestyle, can benefit from the wisdom available within the Akashic Records.
  • How can the Akashic Records help me get clarity in life?
    Imagine the Akashic Records as a more personalized and immersive version of Google’s search engine. With Google, you ask a question and get suggested results that you may sort through to find a satisfactory answer. Google is great for checking simple facts, but it might not give you the answers you’re looking for when it comes to making big life decisions. When you ask questions in your Akashic Records, you receive resonant guidance from your higher self that speaks directly to your soul. Your higher self (a future version of you that’s tapped into the big picture) knows exactly what you are experiencing and everything you’ve done to get to this moment. Who is more equipped to give you advice than your future self? Guidance and messages that come from your Akashic Records can provide a roadmap with actionable guidance to help you succeed on your path.
  • How do you receive messages in your Akashic Records?
    Messages in your Akashic Records can be received as colors, words, sounds, feelings, sensations, and imagery. As our intuitive gifts open, we may begin experiencing the Akashic Records like watching a movie or being in a lucid dream. Sometimes we get a spontaneous knowing or an intuitive ping.
  • Can I take the live classes as a beginner or a seasoned reader?
    I welcome readers at all stages in their journey. My courses are created for those with no prior experience, seasoned readers, and those with other intuitive practices. New Readers: You may be drawn to my classes because you’ve had an Akashic Record Reading and want to learn to support yourself with these tools. Or you may have never had a reading and this is your first time learning about the Akashic Records. Seasoned Readers: The live healings will heal timelines to help you access deeper insights into your soul blueprint and expand your intuitive gifts. As a master key holder for the Akasha, I will take you to new places in the Akasha and show you how to access new realms for adventure, learning, and growth. You may also benefit from practicing with others and experiencing new styles of reading.
  • How do the add-ons for the group classes work?
    If you are attending one of my group channeling containers you will receive a 50% discount on the "Learn to Read the Akashic Record" course as well as any course that is associated with the theme of my live group classes. You do not need prior channeling experience for attending my group classes but you might want to learn to read the Akasha at the same time.
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