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In this self-paced online course, you will receive activations, healing experiences, and guidance on how to access the Akashic Records.        


Gain trust, confidence, and clarity on your psychic abilities and intuition.

Understand your past, present, and future possibilities. 

Connect to your soul history, spirit guides, and higher self to receive information that enhances your decision-making, unlocks your unique gifts, and gives you clarity on your path.



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From Destruction to Love

Alchemise Rage, Fear and Jealousy into Medicine 


The feminine goddess has always been a trinity of the virgin, the mother and the dark feminine. The dark woman ventures into the underworld, she meets her shadow and demons and comes back more powerful than ever as the wild women, the oracle, the witch. Her new power can destroy or lead to transformation and healing. 

In this class we work with our own dark feminine aspect and discover how to use potential harmful emotions such as jealousy, shame, fear, anger and rage to face our demons and transform our medicine into love. 


We will work with goddess Kali, Sekhmet, Lilith, Oya and Persephone. 

Classes include somatic bodywork, guided meditations, ceremonies, and personal guidance channeled from the Akashic Records

Join us, classes will start 25 September.

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What are the Akashic Records? 

The Akashic Records are a realm for learning, communication, and healing. The records contain information about every person, event, and experience that has ever happened or existed. Your records hold wisdom on your soul history, life purpose, unique talents, and future possibilities!


Through the Akashic Records, you can communicate and receive guidance from your higher self and divine beings, experience healings and activations, and learn about yourself and the universe.

Why Learn?

Accessing the Akashic Records is like unlocking a treasure trove of wisdom about yourself. 

Receive insights and guidance to help you navigate life and align with your true purpose.

Accessing your records is an empowering experience that helps you to come back home to yourself.


Book an Akashic Record Reading with me to learn more about your soul's history or join my online course to learn to read the Akasha. 

More Info

Podcast episode with Kate Hula on The Akashic Records 

Podcast episode on Books, Activation, and Healings in the Akashic Records


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