Healing and Growing in Community
Trees carry the frequency of mother Earth. Connecting to them brings us back into balance, calmness and feeling home. In this container we tap into the wisdom and energy held in trees. We will meet the different spirits that incarnate in trees and connect to our roots and lineages as guardians of nature and Mother Earth.

Channeling and Healing In The Akashic Records
The healing experiences in this container are designed to ground you and connect you to the natural cycles of nature resembled in the cycles of trees. We will tap into the most transformative time for trees, spring (northern hemisphere) and autumn (souther hemisphere) and learn from trees how we can move with grace and trust through the different seasons of our own life.
All guided ceremonies, channellings, and healing experiences will be facilitated through the Akashic Records, this means we are healing lifetimes, and regaining powers through time and space. As part of this course, you will receive collective and personal guidance from the Akashic Records for your spiritual growth and healing journey.
Healing Through Movement
Next to meditations, Akashic healings and channeling journeys we will engage in some gentle movement exercises, taking our physical body on the journey with us. I want to teach you how we can read the messages from nature through our bodies, specifically through our womb space.
Working With Tree Spirits
Trees are the home to incredible spirits of high consciousness. The first oracles on Earth were trained by nymph tree spirits. We will meet them in this course. Included in this course is a channeled workbook on ways how we can work with and positively influence trees. This isn't just about us receiving healing from trees, this is also about us learning to co-create with trees and make a contribution to their preservation and health.

2 April |9 April | 16 April | 23 April
You don't need to be present for the classes. Class recordings will be provided. You can watch and receive the healings at your own time. I will channel messages for you no matter if you are present in-person or not.
9pm CET (Amsterdam) - 2pm CDT
4 live healing classes of 90 min; all classes will be recorded
personal messages and guidance channeled from the Akashic Records
group chat to ask questions and engage outside of class
workbook with details on working with and healing with trees
"Sabine is a talented healer and teacher, and a ray of very special celestial sunshine. You can't help but be changed for the better after spending time with her; she shares her unique wisdom and knowledge clearly, relatably and generously."
"I thoroughly enjoyed the course. Each class was so informative, healing and beautiful - I felt so held throughout the course, and a safe container to open up. Sabine's knowledge and wisdom is so profound, and she explains things so well, that makes it easy to follow."
"Sabine is just amazing, nurturing like a mother. I loved all the aspects within this course, it was a mixture of dancing, exercise and healing. What o took from the course was all the wisdom and knowledge from Sabine. Living from a place of joy and to not forget the child within us. I loved everything about this container."